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  • Writer's pictureTyler Hagenauer

Music and Waking Up

Music is the best alarm clock on the planet. There have been studies that show the music is more effective at waking you up than a buzzing alarm. Songs have words and melodies that are familiar, and a constant beeping noise cannot hold your attention in the same way a song you recognize does. It is like running into someone on the streets that you know rather than a complete stranger. Waking up to music also drives away groggy and disorienting feelings that a person may feel when first waking up.

In a nutshell, alarm clocks generally scare people. That's usually the point: to jolt people awake. However, this usually leads to a lot of issues that many people have simply become accustomed to over time. When an alarm goes off, adrenaline is shot into your bloodstream, causing an overall sharp pain to the nervous system. It usually triggers the feeling of "fight or flight." Adrenaline allows for violent changes to occur within the body, such as an increased heart rate, more blood shot throughout the muscles, and an increase in the speed at which the brain functions. In general, that usually creates negative feelings and can set a person's morning off to a bad start. Although alarms appear to usually be effective in how quickly they wake you up, the unhealthy results can often be annoying, and they typically allow for a less peaceful morning.

Music, on the other hand, invites you back to the world of reality in a gentle way. Waking up to positive and calm music can keep your heart rate at an even pace, while still allowing you to wake up. Music even allows you to breath deeper, allowing you to wake up at a slower and calmer pace. It increases blood flow in a slower and more natural way. Depending on the genre of music you prefer to listen to, it may not wake you up right away. But that is the main focus, as it allows you to ease into waking up instead of a sudden jump. Naturally, your mornings will become easier to handle simply because of how you were woken up. Unless you really need to be woken up and moving the second your eyes open, there is no reason to be putting the extra stress on yourself. If you look at the trade offs, it is almost always more worth it to allow a few extra minutes to have your song play out than to instantly wake up.

Overall, music has a lot of benefits, and waking up is no exception to this. It allows people to start off in a better mood, which can really set the overall mood for the day. Music has endless possibilities with how you can apply it, and a lot of the time it can be put in places that you would never expect.

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