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Hey there! My name's Tyler, and I'm the writer of this blog. I enjoy listening to music often, and I almost always have something that I'm genuinely interested in when it comes to it. Whether that be discovering a new sub-genre, or a single new artist that I enjoy, I'm easily able to be carried away by music. I also have learned a little bit of the guitar over the years, and that has definitely broadened my horizons towards music even more so over time.


The main goal behind this blog is to share how I feel about music and how it impacts me, as well as other people within our normal day-to-day lives. I personally believe that music is commonly seen in public as nothing more than something people play because "they need music on," but it deserves to be discussed so much more. Most nearly everyone listens to music and finds it special in their own personal way, and I firmly believe that it plays a huge role in everyone's lives. Hopefully this blog allows people to see that music can be so much more if we simply talk openly about it.

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